Sunday, May 31, 2015


We had two busy days and two late-ish nights back to back this weekend. On Friday morning the kiddos and I went with some friends to MoBot. It was warm, and the kids played hard. So hard, that I was confident this would be the day they would both take much-needed naps, since we were going to see Circus Flora that night. Of course they did not nap, of course they were fine at the circus and of course they hit a wall the second they got into the car. As Chip carried Mary Clare into the house, she whimpered, "I should have taken a nap." Charlie, naturally, still took a good 15 minutes to settle down.

Saturday was rainy and lazy, which was quite nice, as we had to head to the Cardinals game late that afternoon to meet up with Chip's entire family. Due to rain delay after rain delay, we finally left around 8:30 without seeing any actual baseball. The kids were beat. As soon as we were in the car, Mary Clare started begging all of us to be quiet so she could sleep. Unfortunately, she has a brother who is anything but quiet. So while Charlie chatted and tried to cajole his sister into joining him in some small talk, Mary Clare begged and screamed for quiet. As we neared the house, Mary Clare snarled, "Charlie, I am not going to come to your birthday party. I don't like super hero parties." 

Equally exhausted, but never one to let anything go, Charlie whimpered, "But Mary Cware, you have to come to my birthday party."

"I won't!" she shouted. "I don't like superheroes!"

"What do you like?" he timidly asked.

"NOTHING!" she screamed.

"Then I will have a nothing party!" he triumphantly exclaimed.

As we pulled into the driveway, Charlie was ebullient, Mary Clare was sobbing and Chip and I were shaking with laughter. Ten minutes later, both kids were in bed and sound asleep, and as of this writing, the superhero birthday party is back on and Mary Clare is planning to attend.